Who is Amina Muaddi? Rihanna and ASAP Rocky split memes take over the internet as viral tweet sparks

Rumors are spreading like wildfire on social media that Rihanna and ASAP Rocky have split. This comes after the latter allegedly cheated on the pregnant singer with Fenty's shoe designer Amina Muaddi. Since the couple started making headlines, a slew of memes have taken over the internet.

On Thursday, April 14, fashion influencer Louis Pisano claimed in a tweet that the Umbrella singer dumped the 33-year-old rapper after finding out that he cheated on her.

In another tweet, the influencer alleged that the rapper had been cheating on his partner since Paris Fashion Week this year, which took place in February.

In a since-deleted tweet, Pisano shared a screenshot of a Deux Moi Instagram post where a fan snapped a picture of Rihanna and ASAP Rocky dining in a restaurant. The couple reportedly had a heated argument.

Pisano also alleged that the singer had been cheating on Rihanna for several years.

Who is Amina Muaddi, Rihanna's Fenty shoe designer?

The celebrity shoe designer was raised in Italy and is currently based in Paris. Amina Muaddi has been dressing high-profile celebrities including Kendall Jenner, Hailey Bieber, and more.

The entrepreneur has been featured in Vogue several times. Her collaboration with Rihanna's Fenty has been applauded by fashion experts as well.

Who Wear What reported that the designer attended the European Institute of Design. She has since worked as a stylist at Vogue, GQ, and L'Uomo.

In 2019, Muaddi told British Vogue that she was friends with Rihanna’s stylist and since then, her friendship with the 34-year-old star has blossomed. She said in the interview:

"Well, Rihanna’s stylist and I are friends, so he saw some early prototypes. But then she bought a few pairs herself via her personal shopper. She’s such a nice person. She sent me some Fenty clothes when she launched her own label – I feel amazing when I’m wearing them. There’s that swagger, you feel like you are channeling Rihanna."

As rumors of the What's My Name singer cutting the cords with her partner went viral, netizens attempted to make light of the situation. Hilarious memes have appeared online. A few read:

Does the Fenty legend follow Amina Muaddi on Instagram?

Interestingly, as the cheating rumors circulated online, the shoe designer took to her Instagram page, posting a picture of the mother-to-be. The Work singer was seen wearing the designer's Ursina pump heels.

The beauty mogul currently does not follow Muaddi on Instagram. However, the Fenty-owner does not follow many people on her Instagram page in the first place.

ASAP Rocky had not responded to the cheating accusations at the time of writing this article.

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