How to get the Spirit of the Warmind Exotic Ship in Destiny 2 Season of the Seraph

Destiny 2 Season of the Seraph's long-awaited epilogue finally took place after the weekly reset, with several surprises in store for everyone. Bungie took down its servers before the update to prepare for a full CGI cut-scene, a new mission, rewards, and dialogues.

However, the final mission of Season 19 and The Witch Queen also comes with some exciting rewards. Upon completing everything related to the task, players will get the Spirit of the Warmind Exotic ship alongside an Ascendant Shard from the current seasonal vendor.

This article aims to guide you through the final mission and everything that happens after.

Disclaimer: This article contains major spoilers regarding the Season of the Seraph epilogue.

Destiny 2 Season of the Seraph epilogue brings in surprises and rewards for everyone ahead of Lightfall

Step 1:

Interaction between Rasputin and Ana Bray (Image via Destiny 2)

To start the epilogue mission, you will need to log in to the character that has the "More than a Weapon" Seasonal Quest completed. Since it is a pre-requisite step to start the final mission and have a unique interaction at HELM, there might be instances where you won't be sent into the social hub.

Hence, players should make sure to complete all the seasonal steps before entering the epilogue for Season 19.

Step 2:

Final Dawn mission from Rasputin (Image via Destiny 2)

After logging in, you will be automatically sent to a different HELM instance within the room of the Exo Vendor. Here, you will find Ana Bray and Rasputin's Exo having an interaction. The latter will suggest self-destruction to save humanity.

After a brief moment, interacting with Rasputin will begin the "Final Dawn" mission.

Mission starting node within HELM (Image via Destiny 2)

Please note that the mission will have Legendary modifiers on with no matchmaking. This means enemies will get tougher based on the number of members in your fireteam. To start the mission, interact with the node located on the right side of Rasputin.

Step 3:

Mission start (Image via Destiny 2)

The mission itself is pretty straightforward. It takes place in the second half of Operation Seraph Shields' tileset. You will begin the mission in space, where you need to push through the hoards of Fallen Shanks and avoid bombardments. Eramis is the first boss to appear in the mission. However, she will depart after you drain the first chunk of her health bar.

Progress further into the mission by seeking help from Rasputin's frame until you reach the final boss room, which is the same as Praksis in Operation Seraph's Shield. The final boss will be a Hive Wizard with three phases. Players can break her immune stages by defeating a Hive Knight marked in the arena.

Orbital bombardment (Image via Destiny 2)

Once you defeat the Wizard boss, a cutscene will be triggered, which will show the Traveler leaving the Last City and Witness arriving with their Pyramid fleet.

Step 4:

Rasputin's Exo corpse (Image via Destiny 2)

Once the cutscene ends, you will be sent to the Tower. Here, you have to interact with Zavala and Ikora before heading to HELM to interact with the Holoprojector.

Lastly, talk to the corpse of the Exo vendor to trigger one final dialogue from Rasputin and claim the Spirit of the Warmind Exotic ship alongside an Ascendant Shard.

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