Rainbow Six Siege has brought forth a brand new set of streamer charms for Operation Commanding Force. Veterans of the title will know that Ubisoft releases new streamer charms and introduces them with a set every season. For the ongoing season, Siege has introduced four brand new streamer charms, alongside a plethora of returning ones.
Readers who are interested in obtaining these charms can follow a few simple steps to get their hands on their favorite content creator's gun buddies in-game. With several streamer charms making a return, the list is even bigger for interested players to choose from.
This article will provide a brief guide on how to get these streamer charms in Rainbow Six Siege alongside a list of all the charms that are available in Operation Commanding Force.
A list of all the streamer charms in Rainbow Six Siege Operation Commanding Force
Newly introduced Streamer Charms
As mentioned above, each season introduces a new set of streamer charms. With Operation Commanding Force, fans will be able to grab the charms of four content creators:
- FoxA
- Nerdengenheiro
- Rainbow6itacom
- Minimichegga
Returning Streamer Charms
These charms belong to streamers returning from previous seasons of Rainbow Six Siege:
- Ad9m
- Alfredoplays
- AnneMunition
- Beaulo
- Bighead
- BikiniBodhi
- Bnans
- Braction
- CCSesports
- Drid
- FastAnne
- Gabbo
- Galadriex
- Get_Flanked
- Heideltraut
- Interro
- JerichoFive
- JessGOAT
- Jynxzi
- Just9n
- Kalera
- KingGeorge
- KittyR6
- LagonisR6
- Lil_Lexi
- Lt Custard
- Lusorkoeffizient
- MacieJay
- Mag6
- M3RY
- Matimi0
- MrBboy45
- Narcoleptic Nugget
- Nesk
- PaladinAmber
- Patife
- Pengu
- Punjistick
- RazaH
- REMGURI / 렘쨩
- Rubsarb
- SexyCake
- Sha77e
- Shorty
- shroud
- SilphTV
- Sixquatre
- TangyD
- Tatted
- Thaqil
- Tranth
- Varsity
- WhiteShark67
- yo_boy_roy
- z1ronic
- Zander
- ziGueira
- GarfieldIsDoc
- Supr
- RyyFyy
- GCGamerOficial
How to obtain streamer charms in Siege
With plenty of streamer charms available to choose from in the title right now, players can get their hands on these charms by using the following method:
- Subscribe to any of these streamers' Twitch channels with a linked Ubisoft account.
- Make sure that the same Ubisoft account has Rainbow Six Siege in it.
- Open Siege and go to a loadout to equip the charm in-game.
- The weapon charm will be available to keep in the player's inventory for good.
Subscribing to these streamers on Twitch is mandatory to obtain their in-game charms. Players must also ensure that the streamer is genuinely on the official list for Ubisoft's streamer charm program.
In addition to acquiring charms, one must link their Ubisoft account with Twitch to enjoy Twitch Drops and more. You can head to the official drops-register.ubi.com website in order to get your Ubisoft Connect and Twitch accounts linked for this purpose.
How to get involved in the streamer program?
Ubisoft is always on the lookout to accept more content creators into their program. Anyone who aspires to become a content creator or streamer and wishes to see their own weapon charm in Rainbow Six Siege will have to fulfill a handful of criteria to begin the selection process.
The requirements are as follows:
- One must approximately have 150+ concurrent viewers.
- An average of 10 Siege stream sessions per month is mandatory.
- Average of 20 hours of Rainbow Six Siege streamed per month.
- Must maintain a positive reputation standing in Rainbow Six Siege.
- Must produce high quality level of content.
- Must be partnered in Twitch.
- Lastly, they should wait for Ubisoft to deliver the final decision.
Once these criteria have been met, interested streamers will potentially be able to get their own in-game charm featured in Siege.
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